Old Henry Street Medical Centre

Out of hours: 01942 367795


Physiotherapy, Podiatry/Chiropody Services

Adult MSK Physio self referral form & QR code

Adult MSK physio self-referal QR code – poster

Adult MSK Physio Self-Ref Form May 24

Are you considering going to see a Private Physiotherapist or Podiatrist/Chiropodist?

Recently a patient asked us to include information for those patients who might be seeking the professional help of a Private Physiotherapist or Podiatrist / Chiropodist.

If you are seeking help from a private physiotherapist we believe it is very important that you find one who is trained to NHS standards.

These professionals hold the following qualification:

Chartered Physiotherapist or Registered Physiotherapist

To find out the names of these practitioners working locally please goes to the following website:

Equally to find a professionally trained and qualified Podiatrist / Chiropodist who working locally and is registered with the Health Professional Council please visit:

Seeing a NHS Physiotherapist or Podiatrist / Chiropodist

As part of their treatment many patients already see a NHS Physiotherapist.

If you feel you need to do so then you will first need to make an appointment to see your GP.

If you have foot problems and suffer from certain medical conditions you may be able to self-refer to the Podiatry Department at Leigh Infirmary. Please ask at Reception for more details.

Date published: 14th May, 2020
Date last updated: 27th June, 2024